Create a function group using SE37.
Open the Function group in SE80. Activate it.
After activation check the status
Select Function group and right click on it.
Right click -> Create -> Screen
Program name will be come like SAPL Followed by Function Group.
Give the screen number example 9000,9001..etc.
Give the screen decription and select screen type as Subscreen.
Go to Layout as shown below
Create or Design the screen as required and provide field parameters.
In this case Data Base table field is referred as new field,which is already
appended in LIPS using SE11.
Save and activate it.
Now goto SE18 and open the Badi name (LE_SHP_TAB_CUST_ITEM).
Select Implementatio -> Create in Menu path
Give some name to it.
Provide short text and click on Method ACTIATE_TAB_PAGE.
Write code to activate extra subscreen in VL02N.
Activate the implementation.
Go to VL02N and check at Item level for newly added Subscreen and field.